Project Description

The iKaaS project is a Research and Innovation Action (RIA) funded by the EU and is a joint research platform between the EU and Japan.  The focus of the joint research is the development of innovative global cloud platform technologies to meet the new challenges of big data, mobile and IoT. It aims to address requirements from business and industrial applications, such as robotics or factory automation and/or societal applications, such as health management for an aging society.

In particular, the iKaaS project aims to develop an intelligent, privacy preserving and secure Smart City platform.  This platform is based upon a ‘Big Data’ resource and an analytics engine built atop heterogeneous cloud platforms with data collected from a variety of sensors from Internet of Things (IoT) environments. These IoT sensors are deployed as mobile terminals, smart devices, and components that comrprise smart homes. We envisage that this data and the analytics engine – a knowledge base – form fundamental building blocks for cross-border business-to-government (B2G), business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) applications, such as lifestyle recommendation, future city planning, academic research and analysis, location-and behaviour-specific targeted services and so on.

The platform features will be demonstrated by way of Smart City applications promoting self-management of health and safety of citizens, as well as an information system improving data analysis for a smarter life in the city, focusing on such areas like epidemiological surveillance.

ikaas partners